US Politics
This topic may beg the question, “Why is this relevant to The Tyber Lustig Foundation that promotes mental wellness?” It is being addressed because of the ever-increasing involvement government policies and rhetoric are having on the day-to-day lives of their citizens? Elected officials are constantly weighing in on a wide variety of social issues instead of focusing on honoring their duties to run an effective government to provide the basic needs of the people they are supposed to be entrusted to represent.
As our foundation usually does, we identify some common ground. In this instance, the ONLY area US politicians unanimously agree upon is the maintaining of just a two-party system for 330 million US citizens. The Tyber Lustig Foundation takes the position that this is totally inappropriate in today’s society. Imagine a restaurant with only two choices: kale or squirrel liver? It obviously would not be smart. Our government should represent the best interests of all Americans and be reflective of an entire picture of modern society. It should be the land of equal opportunity while acknowledging different outcomes.
Sadly, our current politicians need to be reminded that it is, “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA,” not to one’s political party of choice. Why should there only be just two primary choices? The Tyber Lustig Foundation wants to embrace modernizing our political process.
It should start with voter registration. There should be no place on our registration that references a particular political party. Every voter should be considered an INDEPENDENT thinker. In anticipation of the scream of the two-party duopolies, “What about the primary voting?” our reply is, “What about them?” How about just being inclusive to allow all interested candidates to throw their respective hats into the ring with their stated positions on important issues that affect their constituencies. May the best person win. No political ads or large political donor interference. That should become the American way. We now have the technology to safely do that.
That brings us to the voting process itself. Once again, the only common ground is that the losing side too often seems to question the accuracy of the tally. The Tyber Lustig Foundation chooses to remind people that it is 2022, not 1922. Why should online package delivery be more sophisticated and accurate than our nation’s voting system? When presently hundreds of millions of us order online, we get notifications when our order is placed, received, shipped out, and delivered. A simple barcode for each legal ballot is easy to follow and tabulate.
As for those screams of VOTER SUPPRESSION, our foundation calls BS. That cry is nothing more than saying their constituency is too stupid to vote online. It is also code for, “That makes it harder for us to manipulate.” Every group that feels they are the ones being referred to as being too stupid to vote electronically, should be highly offended. All ballots should be tied to just one Social Security number. This allows impartial voting officials the ability to ferret out fraud quickly to insure timely results, like IMMEDIATELY, not two weeks after the election. If milk cartons have expiration dates, there is no reason ballots should not have them.
You are invited to explore The Tyber Lustig Foundation’s website for information regarding more political footballs that affect our citizen’s everyday mental wellness.